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It's Who We Are!

It's What We Do!

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We are a gate church of purpose, power, passion and presence to impact the world for the Kingdom of God.


What is a gate church?

  • A church where the life-changing presence of God is present to touch and change every person from every walk of life.

  • A church that joins together in joyful service to change the community and world around them.

  • A church of innovation; seeking to be the pattern of what God is doing in the NOW!

  • A church that intercedes for the city and opens the heaven for God’s involvement.

  • A church of leaders producing leaders for generational excellence.

Our mission is to be a multifaceted house that exemplifies these 7 aspects:

  1. A Family Church Where Lives Are Changed Through the Word of God- We are not just another church, but an entire family with a mission for CHANGE! Strong families are the backbone of the Church. Strong families are tools for witnessing to our communities.

  2. A Soul Saving Station- Our mission is to introduce the world to the Living Savior through the gospel of Jesus Christ; through living and written examples with all love and purity, influencing them to make decisions to follow Him with all of their heart.

  3. A City of Refuge for the downtrodden, abused, neglected, and despondent- Our mission is not only to exemplify the nature, but also the NURTURE of Christ. With open arms filled with love, our church will shower the love of God to all who are in need of our care.

  4. A House of Empowered Purpose & Destiny- Through the engagement of focused ministry and the free flow of the Holy Spirit in our midst, our goal is to impact every soul that comes in contact with us so that they will be energized to reach for their purpose and destiny.

  5. An Equipper of Ministry- Our goal is to create leaders through discipleship, bible-based education, and ministry opportunities that will afford them the avenue to exercise their God-given gifts.

  6. A Center for Economic and Emotional Development- Our goal is to reach and teach our community about the importance of economic and emotional stability, debt eradication, wise personal investment strategies, and generational wealth principles.

  7. The Example of Kingdom Excellence- Our mission is to be everything in the earth that our God desires; engaging ourselves whole-heartedly and enthusiastically to the point where the world must take notice of who our God is and what He can do for them.



To see the South Central region on fire for God; reaching at least 10,000 souls for God’s Kingdom & glory.

Our church's DNA (Core Values) is infused in all we do! We are...

  • Empowering- Connected to Grace for Living

  • Enriching- Living Life On A Deeper Level

  • Involving- Demonstrating the Life of A Servant

  • Loving- Expressing God's Value for Each Person

  • Excellence Without Excuse- Committed to Honoring God in All We Do


What We Believe
  • We believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word. It is accurate, authoritative and applicable to our every day lives.

  • We believe in one eternal God who is the Creator of all things. He exists in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He is totally loving and completely holy.

  • We believe that sin has separated each of us from God and His purpose for our lives.

  • We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ as both God and man is the only One who can reconcile us to God. He lived a sinless and exemplary life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again to prove His victory over every sin, sickness and limitation and empowers us for life and life to the full.

  • We believe that in order to receive forgiveness and the 'new birth' we must repent of our sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, confess our belief in Him and submit to His will for our lives.

  • We believe that baptism by immersion symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and is your public declaration that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. We are not baptized to be saved but because we are saved. And while baptism is not required for salvation, it is a biblical command and demonstrates your love and obedience to Christ.

  • We believe that in order to live the holy and fruitful lives that God intends for us, we need to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables us to walk in the fruits of the spirit and use spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues, which is the initial evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit. We believe the gifts are for every believer.

  • We believe that God has individually equipped us so that we can successfully achieve His purpose for our lives which is to worship God, fulfill our role in the Church and serve the community in which we live.

  • We believe that God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and prosperous lives in order to help others more effectively. We believe that the price paid by Jesus Christ on the cross was sufficient to heal us of every sickness and disease. We also believe in His power to heal the heart and mind thus enabling us to live wholly and complete.

  • We believe that our eternal destination of either Heaven or hell is determined by our response to the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again as He promised.


1110 26th Avenue East


Tuscaloosa, AL  35404

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© 2021 by Impact Nation Fellowship Church

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